Terms and Conditions

Terms & Conditions of Work

Payment Terms
An invoice will be sent at the completion of the job to the manner and standard outlined in the written quote. The price outlined on the quote is fixed. Payment is to be made in full within 5 working days from the completion of the job unless a longer payment term is agreed by both parties at the acceptance of the quote. A bank account number and postal address will be on the invoice. We accept bank transfers or cheques can be made out to NZ Tree Tops Ltd.

If the client asks for extra work to be completed on the day, the price will be agreed between the foreman and client prior to it being done. This extra amount will be added to the final invoice.

In some circumstances where there is significant materials required to complete a job a deposit may be required prior to commencing work.

If payment is not made within in the agreed period the outstanding amount will be sent to a debt collection agency to retrieve the funds. All costs associated with this will be on the clients behalf.

Following the acceptance of the quote and agreement on a date for the work to be completed cancellations must be made at least 1 working day prior.
If a cancellation is made within 24 hours of the agreed date NZ Tree Tops Ltd. has the right to charge a cancellation fee of 20%.

NZ Tree Tops Limited is covered up to $10,000,000 in public liability insurance. An insurance certificate can be supplied if requested by the client.

Services | Overhead Lines

If there are overhead lines in or near the trees it is the owners responsibility to have the lines taken down by an authorised electrician. Tree Tops will advise the client of this requirement at the time of quoting.

This will be at the clients expense and must be done in advance of Tree Tops being on site to complete the work. If the power lines or other essential services are shared with neighbouring properties it is the clients responsibility to advise those neighbours whom will be affected by the power being shut down for the period of the work taking place.


NZ Tree Tops Ltd. will endeavour to grind the stump 150-250mm below ground level. All grindings will be left on site unless there is written agreement that they are to be taken from site.

The grindings will be used to backfill the hole and will be spread around the surrounding area where possible.
If there is significant debris under or near the stump we will remove as much of the stump using our grinder as we safely can.

Protected Trees

It is the clients or contracting companies responsibility to check with the council whether there is protection on a tree before commencing work.
Some trees are protected under the district plans, because they are considered to be significant, historic, or important for amenity or preventing erosion. Further information on this process can be found here.

NZ Tree Tops Ltd. accepts no responsibility for any tree work commissioned without prior council approval if it is a tree of significance or otherwise.

Underground services
It is the client’s or contracting company who has commissioned the work to take full responsibility to determine and advise NZ Tree Tops Ltd. of all underground services prior to work commencing.
NZ Tree Tops Ltd. will not be held liable for any costs or damage that arises from undertaking the agreed work if proper communication of the underground services in the immediate or surrounding area hasn’t been supplied. This includes the likes of pipes and cables. NZTree Tops Ltd. must be advised of the exact location of all underground services.

Access and Hidden Obstructions

Property access must be the same as, or better than when the work was quoted. The client is responsible to advise NZ Tree Tops Ltd. as soon as possible if there are any changes to the level of access which could potentially make the job more difficult, this could result in a fee being added to the final invoice.
NZ Tree Tops Ltd. will advise the client at the time of quoting if there is any heavy machinery required on site. NZ Tree Tops Ltd. will endeavour to complete the agreed work with minimal disruption to the property and surrounding area, however, NZ Tree Tops Ltd. is not responsible for any unavoidable damage caused to driveways, foot paths etc.

NZ Tree Tops Ltd. will check the trees, stumps and surrounding area as much as possible during the initial site visit. However, there is a chance that hidden obstructions such as nails, old wire fence etc. that are impossible to see until the work is underway. NZ Tree Tops Ltd. reserves the right to alter the price of the job accordingly.

Property Boundaries or ‘Shared’ Trees
It is the customers responsibility to determine the boundary line and advise NZ Tree Tops Ltd. of any potential conflict prior to work commencing. If the trees are on a boundary line or shared fence line the client must obtain written approval from the neighbouring properties prior to the work commencing.

NZ Tree Tops Ltd. will not be held liable for any grievances or claims for tree work that is undertaken.

NZ Tree Tops Ltd. highly recommend communicating with and advising all immediate neighbours of the date that the tree work will be commencing. This helps reduce the chance of surprise and makes for a smoother job for all involved.